Producción Científica

Endoscopic treatment with argon plasma coagulationin postradiation proctopathy

Introduction Postradiation proctopathy (PP) is a majorcomplication in patients who receive radiotherapy forcancer. Medical treatments of this entity are unsatisfactory.Argon plasma coagulation (APC) had been shown to besuccessful with low complications.

Diagnostic yield, therapeutic impact, and complications ofdouble-balloon enteroscopy in patients with small-bowel pathology

Background and aimsUntil recently the study of smallbowel was limited to the radiographic approach. This paperdescribes experience with the first 86 procedures evaluatedand treated with the new technique of double-balloonenteroscopy (DBE).

Preemptive Total Gastrectomy for HereditaryGastric CancerPreemptive Total Gastrectomy for HereditaryGastric Cancer

Hereditary gastric cancer is a recently described clinical syndrome, associated with truncating mutation of theE-cadherin gene, namedCDH1. It is characterized by autosomal dominant transmission, presentation at an early age, andwith diffuse type of gastric adenocarcinoma.