Sociedades Médicas

- European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, miembro Activo desde 2021(ESGE)

- Asociación de Médicos del Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición Salvador Zubirán, miembro Activo desde 2002 (INCMSZ)

- Japanese Society of Pathology International Membership. November 1997 (JSP)

- Member of the New York Academy of Science November 1997.

- Science Director, Noguchi Memorial Research Institute, Nagoya Japan, June 1998.

- The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology , (active member) since 1996.

- International Gastric Cancer Association Founder membership Tokyo Japan, February 15. 1996.

- Mexican College of Gastroenterology. Specialty in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, December 7, 1991.

- Mexican Society of Gastroenterology. Active Member .Since December7, 1990.

- Mexican Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Titular member September 22, 1990.

- AMDA International Medical Association. Prospectus. Association of Medical Doctors for Asia.

- United Medical Association Prospectus. Tokyo Japan , September 1989.

- Sociedad Médica "Eduardo Liceaga" Hospital General de México, 1994.