Producción Científica

Oxidative-inflammatory damage in cirrhosis: Effect ofvitamin E and a fermented papaya preparation

Oxidative DNA damage occurs as an early event in hepatitis Cvirus (HCV) infection and is an indication of the potential for carcinogenesis. The aim ofthis study was to test a novel antioxidant/immunomodulator in patients with HCV-relatedcirrhosis.

Single-blind follow-up study on the effectiveness of a symbiotic preparation in irritable bowel syndrome

Experimental and clinical studies haveshown that a novel symbiotic (known as SCM-III)exerts a beneficial effect on gut translocation and localand systemic inflammatory and microbial metabolicparameters. The present investigation was a prelimi-nary trial on the effectiveness of SCM-III for irritablebowel syndrome (IBS).

Metal-induced oxidative damage in cultured hepatocytes and hepatic lysosomal fraction: beneficial effect of a curcumin/absinthium compound

Metals undergo redox cycling and thereis increasing evidence of free radical generation andoxidative injury in the pathogenesis of liver injury andfibrosis in metal storage diseases. The aim of thepresent study was to test a natural hepatoprotectivecompound in metal-induced liver injury.